How Do Sativa Strains Differ From Indica Strains?

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Cannabis | 0 comments

It is a mistake to think of cannabis as a homogenous experience. Instead, the plant has several different variations, broadly divided into indica and sativa. Each category is further divided into thousands of different strains. It may be confusing to navigate the different names and strains, so here is a quick guide to how sativa strains differ from indica, so you can begin to understand how to navigate the space.

The Ratio of Compounds Is Different

The main difference between indica and sativa is the ratio of active compounds that are found in the strain. Cannabis contains several different compounds, but the most important are CBD, which is commonly isolated in medical products, and THC, which gives cannabis its psychoactive properties.

Sativa strains tend to have more THC than CBD. That gives the cannabis strain a different effect than Indica strains, which have more CBD than THC.

The Experience Is Different

As mentioned above, due to the different ratios of compounds in Indica compared to Sativa, Sativa strains are going to feel different than Indica strains. People report feeling more energized after sativa, while generally feeling more mellow and relaxed after indica. That is because THC acts as a stimulant, and there is more of it in sativa.

The effects in medicinal use and side effects will also be different thanks to this balance in compounds. Sativa is sometimes used to treat people with conditions such as cancer that diminish their energy and loss of appetite.